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Good USA / Bad USA

Good USA / Bad USA

En blog der oprindeligt handlede om de mærkelige, forstyrrede og fuldstændigt sindssyge ting som amerikanere gør, men da jeg forlod Guds eget land ændrede temaet sig til de mærkelige, forstyrrede og fuldstændigt sindssyge ting danskerne gør...

Søgeord: Danmark, danskere, underlige, vaner, opførsel, traditioner

Tilføjet d. 17-01-2010 20:10:10
Kategori: Underholdning » Humor
URL: http://goodbadusa.blogspot.com/
Vurderet: Good USA / Bad USA
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Lehfeldt, Joof og Frödin - den virker hver gang
Thu, 04 Feb 2010 22:06:00 +0000
Now that I have tricked all my English speaking friends to visit my blog I want to appoligize because this post will be in Danish. It’s about Danish adds and I can’t write it in English, I’ve tried. I’m sorry guys.

Jeg har på fornemmelsen, at en ideudvikling i et dansk reklamefirma foregår cirka sådan her:

Vi er i et hipt farverigt mødelokale. Der er smarte malerier på væggene, en Nintendo Wii til at lege med i hjørnet og store sækkestole til at crashe i.

Chefen: Så drenge, vi skal sgu ha solgt nogle mobil abonnementer. Har I nogle forslag til, hvordan vi gør det?

Reklamemand 1: Ja for fanden. Jeg har det. Det skal være noget med Hella Joof og Peter Frödin… ja og Kirsten Lehfeldt. Dem elsker danskerne. Det blir pissegodt.

Chefen: Ja okay, men dem har vi jo set 100 gange før. Hvordan pepper vi det lidt op, så det blir
I’m on the phone, so nobody can hear me…
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:51:00 +0000
For some reason my latest posts have been about trains or train staff. But I spend half my life on trains, so it’s no wonder. Anyway this post will be no different. Actually it’s written on the train between Århus and Aalborg.

Why the hell am I forced to listen to people’s most intimate stories whenever I’m on a train? It’s like people think that because they are on the phone you can’t hear what they are saying.
Listen sister I can’t hear what the person in the other end is saying, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what you are talking about, when you say things like:
“I don’t like going down on him.”
I know it’s not your favorite kind of bubble gum you mean when you say “Mmmmm I don’t know I think I prefer doggy”.

It’s not always about sex though. One time I unwillingly got a lecture in the wonders of the woman’s period. I actually learned something. Did you guys know that a girl bleeds like a cow pisses when she’s not on the pill?
The angriest people in the world: Part one
Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:16:00 +0000
Believe it or not, but there are people in this world that a way angrier than me. This thread is my tribute to these people (please read the irony).

Part one is about a group of pissed off people who have yelled at me a couple of times the past six months: People who work at the security checkpoints in airports.

What the hell is up with these people? Why are they so unbelievable angry? My theory is that they enjoy taking advantage of the position of power that they have been given. They know that us passengers are terrified of doing something wrong, and whenever we break one of their rules they act like we have just committed an act of terror. I mean every God damn time I walk through security they somehow make me fear that I have to spend the next 45 years in prison.

It’s like this every time: The security people are smiling laughing with each other, but that’s all a trick to make you fell safe. Then the security person, with the huge gun, turn to you.
DSB – the pain of my existence
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:06:00 +0000
I think I’ve figured out a good theme for my blog. People who know me know that I have a talent for being pissed off. Not that I go around screaming at people all the time, but on occasion I’ve been known to… tell people, companies, football players, politicians and animals what they are made off.
Unluckily it’s often my friends or girlfriends who has to put up with my bitching, I mean it’s not like I call the Danish railroads (DSB) and yell at them because they suck. So I was thinking to give my friends and girlfriend a break and use my blog for bitching. From now on this blog will only contain angry words from an angry man – me! This theme should provide me with topics for the remainder of my life.

So here we go. The DSB-example isn’t random. DSB is my biggest enemy, my kryptonite if you will. I could win 10 million in the lottery, get my dream job and have my favorite football team win the Super Bowl and DSB would still be able to ruin my day.

Every year D
The way Danes don’t interact
Wed, 06 Jan 2010 11:06:00 +0000
Hello again everybody.
I’m back in Denmark after five months of crazy fun adventures in the states. As I promised I will keep up my blog. I’ll keep writing in English hoping that some of my English speaking readers will keep enjoying my blog. I'm changing the name of my blog, but until I figure out what to write about the name will be the same.

Now that I’ve spend the last months making fun of American ways I was thinking about doing the same to the Danes – as it turns out we’re pretty weird too. I don’t know if this will be the main theme of my blog, we’ll see how it goes.
Here’s my first post written from Denmark. It’s called “The way Danes don’t interact”.

When I first landed in the states (New York to be more specific) I spend the first two days hurting my neck because I was looking up at the buildings. I’ve probably never seen a building taller than 20 floors, so the

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