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Rockland - Stig Nygaard

Rockland - Stig Nygaard

Der er desværre intet fast emne. Jeg skriver bare hvad jeg har lyst når jeg har lyst. Så du aner ikke hvad du får, men det er sikkert kedeligt;-) Musik, koncerter, plader, foto, flickr, it, internet, webudvikling, browsere, firefox, musikbranchen, kopisikringer, squeezebox, fodbold, Lyngby Boldklub...

Søgeord: musik, foto, flickr, internet, webudvikling, browsere, fodbold, lyngby boldklub, squeezebox, drm

Tilføjet d. 07-09-2007 14:53:50
Kategori: Underholdning » Musik
URL: http://www.rockland.dk/
Vurderet: Rockland - Stig Nygaard
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Live RSS Feed fra Rockland - Stig Nygaard:

Tracks ?????? - The coolest last.fm widget on the net ??
Sun, 20 Oct 2024 16:45:19 +0200

How many people have a homepage/blog instead of just sharing what they want to share (and possibly a bit more than that ;-)), on social media? How many of these people are last.fm users? How many of these are nerdy enough to think it is fun sharing their last.fm "scrobbles" on their homepage/blog and are technically able to add a bit of "custom content" to their website? And of these, how many will stumble upon a post on this blog? Oh well, not going to think too much about those deta...

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Featured shot: Curly Purple
Sun, 18 Apr 2021 12:25:29 +0200
[Photo: Curly Purple]

This curly purple "thing" was an installation at the Copenhagen Light Festival, held back in February. The real name of the lightwork by Hans E Madsen & Frederik Dahl Hougs was "Pressure", and changing colors and impulses should symbol something about "digital stress". Well, I just think it was nice :-) Standing at the waterfront of Copenhagen Harbour on the quay next to Christian IV's Bridge, you also had view back towards Børsen and Christiansborg as depicted here. There's a couple ...

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VR 360° tour at REFFEN Street Food venue!
Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:57:18 +0200
[VR 360° REFFEN tour screenshot 1] [VR 360° REFFEN tour screenshot 2] [VR 360° REFFEN tour screenshot 3] [VR 360° REFFEN tour screenshot 4] [VR 360° REFFEN tour screenshot 5] xIFr, a better Exif viewer for Firefox
Mon, 27 Jan 2020 21:20:40 +0100
[Screenshot: xIFr showing image meta data] [Screenshot: xIFr showing geolocation of a geotagged photo] [Screenshot: xIFr has Dark Theme support]

When I first released a beta-version of xIFr back in July 2019, I didn't announce it here, because I expected to follow up with "final" version shortly after. However, I first found I needed a little break from coding, and after that unexpected events was stealing my spare time and energy for some time. But now, half a year later, I'm

Behold, an easy Flickr Wall!...
Thu, 31 Oct 2019 17:05:34 +0100

I recently stumbled upon a little demo showing how simple it is to construct an "adaptive layout image wall" using CSS Flexbox. And I thought it would be fun to combine the techniques with a feed from my own Flickr gallery...

Unlike the demo on CSS-tricks, which dynamically adapts itself to screen/browser dimensions or column width, my blog has the advantage (and disadvantage) to be fixed width. So I have further simplified the CSS-code in my "Flickr Wall" below, which displays latest addi...

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